Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wickedly good time!!!

Last night I went to WICKED!!! It was my fathers birthday present for me and I have been waiting since January to cash it in and it finally came!!! OHHH IT WAS SO GOOD!!! I nearly cried when  Elphaba comes running out of the clock for the first time.  AHHHH some day I will play her!!! Every aspect of this show was brilliant, the lighting the choreography, costuming, set, acting and singing, this show had it all!!! I have seen Wicked twice before but I noticed alot more this time that I didn't notice before thanks to some classes at Weber State!!! I LOVE BEING A MUSICAL THEATER MAJIOR!!! There was one thing that bugged me and that was the orchestra went WAY TO FAST on "For Good" but other then that this was an amazing production of Wicked!!!

PS my new motto is DEFY GRAVITY !!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Here we go. . .for reals this time!!!

Well hello world!!!
Before when I wrote I didn't have much to say but now I DO!!! So lets start CRACKING!!!

Summers are always such a big time for me. I feel like I am always changing and growing but the last two summers have really been my MAJIOR growing points. This summer I have striven to continue that tradition. So far this summer I have learned a whole lot about health. Mostly physical but mentally and emotionally too. So today I would like to share a few things I have learned on this subject.

1. There are tons of weight loss diets and secrets and work outs that may or may not make you skinny. How do you know what one is right for you? I am here to tell you that quick fixes are never the answer . You want to know the big secret? Eating healthy and working out!!! It is hard work to go on a diet for 30 days but then what . . . you just go strait back to your old ways and bring it all back. " Its tough to go on a diet but harder to change a lifestyle." So which will you choose?

2. Guess what, NO TWO BODYS ARE ALIKE !!! Not every meal plan that helps someone get skinny is going to work for you!!! Everyones body reacts to food differently. You have to find what works for you. Find your notch, your space for what works and what doesn't for your body. It takes a lot of experimenting and researching, but you have to do it yourself I cant do it for you. For example I was eating healthy and working out all summer with no results. . . I was getting frustrated but then I was researching and found this book The Metabolism Miracle. This book has changed my life! I realized why so many things about myself had changed after I went to collage, and I am on the road to bringing ME back. I suggest you look it over, but remember everyones body is different!!! I had to go through Jillian Michaels work out, to calorie budgeting and circuit training and meal planing and timed eating before I found what worked for me! So go experiment and find what your body likes!

3. Dont get on the scale every day or even every week it will just get you down and frustrated try every month. I am on a mission to not look at a scale for 8 weeks and it is kind of really hard, BUT now I focus on how much better I FEEL and how much better my body FEELS then what a stupid number tells me how I feel. FOCAUS ON THE GOOD THATS HAPPENING INSIDE YOUR BODY, OUT SIDES WILL COME AFTER YOU FEEL PRETTY INSIDE!!!

4. That brings me to learning point 4! "Endorphins make you happy, happy people don't go around killing their husbands." Name that movie!!! But really when you are happy, happiness will surround you. So do things that make you happy!!! Make a bucket list of things you would like to do before the summer is over and do them!!! Some examples from my summer are Cliff jumping, water rafting, EFY councilor, play at the lake, go boating, go hiking, learn how to play sports better ( I  learned how to throw a football!!!), Travel, become a bike ridder, learn to stop and enjoy the little details in life, become a frequent volunteer at an animal shelter, get organized, become a better blogger!!! and the list goes on and on!!! " but Ashley I don't have time in my life to do all those things." WELL MAKE TIME BECAUSE YOU ONLY LIVE THIS LIFE ONCE SO GO AT IT FULL THROTTLE !!!

These are just a few of the things I have learned about health but they have changed my life! I love growing and learning new things and I am excited to share all that I learn about life with you on my blog! HOLLER!!! !

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Shhh I am putting off homework! Here is the next part of the story!
As soon as the last speck of light vanished she broke through and crumbled to the ground. She was very weak from being trapped in the statue. Light was her enemy and she gained strength from the darkness. As she laid mangled on the ground she could already feel the power slowly being absorbed back into her bones. But the light would return again. She must find a way to destroy all light. . .
Laying on the ground, for the moment too weak to even move, the happy laughter of the water folk reached her ears and made her blood boil. it was almost too much for her to handle. Smertala's hatred of all things cheerful gave her enough strength that she managed to crawl away from the dreadful sound into the dense underbrush of the nearby forest. In the blackness, she could feel her strength returning and her mind becoming less clouded. If she was, this time, to win the war against light, she must return to her fortress underneath the everlasting swamp. As she sat brooding over how to accomplish the 1,000 mile journey to her swamp home, a shriek sent the air, lifting her spirits with the absolute horror she could feel emanating from the voice of the water-nymph that had just discovered her statue-prison, broken to pieces on the ground. A horrible smile lifted the corners of Smertala's Lips. . . .

Friday, February 17, 2012

Alright folks here it goes my first real post! This week I have found my self changing a great deal. I have learned so much about my self and how to make things better. I found out something really big that has been a problem for me my most of my life. If you would like to know more you can ask me I am not ashamed, I just do not want to put it on the internet. BUT the point I wanted to get out there was that I am learning how to take care of it and it is changing my life for the better. My test scores went from 65%-96% its amazing!
    On this blog you will also see various designs of mine as of lately I have been into make-up for my make up class. Yes that is me as a man and an old scary woman. Tehe. More of these to come.

So once upon a boring day my friend ( Craig Odell Smith) sent me a story that had me on the edge of my seat.  I asked him where the rest of this intriguing story was and he said its an add on story so you need to come up with the next part. . . . and thus an adventure was formed! 
I will now be publishing this very story on my blog. I hope you come to love the characters as I have. WARNING it will leave you wanting more each time I publish more of the story:) P.S Craig is a really good writer and I am . . . . not so good. I bet you can figure out what parts are his and which are mine but oh well! ENJOY!! 
In the furthest reaches of the forgotten forest, on the edge of the serene sea, where the water folk are apt to spend there time frolicking among the mushroom mountains, there stands, in direct contrast to the pleasant surroundings, a rather sinister looking statue of the evil witch Smertala. The statue is, in fact, Smertala herself, turned to stone by the magnanimous maadlig-great wizard of the northern plains. There she stands, a painful reminder of darker days, but also a wondrous memorial of a hard-won victory. However, on this day, a dark cloud gathered on the horizon, stopping the sun's rays from reaching the water folk as they played among the mystical mushroom mountains. A cold wind blew, whistling shrilly against the cold granite of Smertala's face. Suddenly, a small crack lashed across Her cheek. and the stone-cold eyes glowed green, glinting dully in the shade of the black cloud that menacingly advanced on the setting sun. . . And thats all yea get for now ;) 

Friday, February 3, 2012

YUP made a blog ! WHAT OF IT??!!!

Well I gave in! I now have a blog! I don't know that it will be about one thing mostly what ever pops into my head. I do know that there will be lost of spelling and grammar issues so bear with me!
I think every once and a while I will take an everyday problem that I am having and go around and interview a variety of people and personalities and see what there advice would be! Mixed in will be fun stories of a working collage theater girl. Also LOTS AND LOTS OF PICTURES.  Sprinkle in a few fictional stories my friends and I made and you have my blog!