Friday, February 17, 2012

Alright folks here it goes my first real post! This week I have found my self changing a great deal. I have learned so much about my self and how to make things better. I found out something really big that has been a problem for me my most of my life. If you would like to know more you can ask me I am not ashamed, I just do not want to put it on the internet. BUT the point I wanted to get out there was that I am learning how to take care of it and it is changing my life for the better. My test scores went from 65%-96% its amazing!
    On this blog you will also see various designs of mine as of lately I have been into make-up for my make up class. Yes that is me as a man and an old scary woman. Tehe. More of these to come.

So once upon a boring day my friend ( Craig Odell Smith) sent me a story that had me on the edge of my seat.  I asked him where the rest of this intriguing story was and he said its an add on story so you need to come up with the next part. . . . and thus an adventure was formed! 
I will now be publishing this very story on my blog. I hope you come to love the characters as I have. WARNING it will leave you wanting more each time I publish more of the story:) P.S Craig is a really good writer and I am . . . . not so good. I bet you can figure out what parts are his and which are mine but oh well! ENJOY!! 
In the furthest reaches of the forgotten forest, on the edge of the serene sea, where the water folk are apt to spend there time frolicking among the mushroom mountains, there stands, in direct contrast to the pleasant surroundings, a rather sinister looking statue of the evil witch Smertala. The statue is, in fact, Smertala herself, turned to stone by the magnanimous maadlig-great wizard of the northern plains. There she stands, a painful reminder of darker days, but also a wondrous memorial of a hard-won victory. However, on this day, a dark cloud gathered on the horizon, stopping the sun's rays from reaching the water folk as they played among the mystical mushroom mountains. A cold wind blew, whistling shrilly against the cold granite of Smertala's face. Suddenly, a small crack lashed across Her cheek. and the stone-cold eyes glowed green, glinting dully in the shade of the black cloud that menacingly advanced on the setting sun. . . And thats all yea get for now ;) 

1 comment:

  1. so remember when i said lots of grammar and spelling mistakes. . .
